Saturday, November 13, 2010


Keep in mind that not everyone is your friend, and that sharing your intimate feelings with the wrong person may well come back to hurt you later.

get it?

Somewhere only we know

hello,to ppl that read my blog :).
So today tak buat apa pun.then yesterday ayah cakap nk kerja dkt garuda airlines dkt jakarta.So maybe I'm moving to Jakarta.But,im not that sure bout this.60% sure.yeah
best la jugak kot klu pindah environment.Jenna cakap hot guys banyak ahahah.Haziq cakap plk bnyk guys pink lips pki lipstick.muahahaha sokaylah whatever it is asalkan bahagia.I only do what I wanna do.That's my prinsip yg tak akan diubah.Jakarta,hmm I haven't been there yet.Bali pernah lah.Bali is awesome,seriously.the environment tersangatlah cool and shopping sudah pastilah.jalan kat mana2 je beli benda.oh yeahh manicure,pedicure time,klu pg lagi i nak pg buat spa.ahhh being pampered.hehehe always.wajib okayyy?okay smlm gayut dengan Shakel,chatting with Farah Aiman.They're soo nice.thank youuu very much.they gave me good advices.buat i rasa lbh tenang and kuat.yeahhh :D heheh.yg plg lawak Farah ckp guys yg bangang2 tu mcm ikan sardine jea.hahahha kita nak ikan salmon?betul tak farah?hahaha.Shakel pulak ckp tendang kang kaki mamat keding tu sampai patah.hahahha i rasa lawak sangat.bila fikir balik mmg tak worth it pun nak kisah pasal A(you know who) and S(si keding) tu.they're just immature kids yg spendel pun mak belikan lagi.HAHAHAH :P nah,no wonder tak reti nak jaga attitude and appreciate apa yg mereka dapat.hahaha tak ye?:D so evil me.hahah well at least i tak bodoh dlm membuat keputusan mcm dorg sejahat-jahat nina pun.hahah okayyyy next is,Haziq.I suggested him,if dapat good result try cadet pilot Air ASia.well it's up to him to make the right decision.klu nak berada dibawah tempurung je mmg gelap jela hidup kan?no colours.yup bg i lah.Somehow I think my perception is much diffrent from others.I just feel that I'd prefer to live alone cz mcm tak ada chemistry with others.sdh kan?agak lah.tapi itulah.i selesa buat apa yg i nak happy with my own world,fantasy,yup
ohh the most sad thing happen is when,ur loved ones.tak kisahlah mom,dad,sis,bro ke kucing ke apa kan don't agree with ur opinion yg u dah bertungkus-lumus thought hurts.really.i tell u.I just don't like it.
memang lah semua org berbeza ,i know that.but,idk's really hard to explain.maybe sbb I just love them so much?


Somewhere only we know

hello,to ppl that read my blog :).
So today tak buat apa pun.then yesterday ayah cakap nk kerja dkt garuda airlines dkt jakarta.So maybe I'm moving to Jakarta.But,im not that sure bout this.60% sure.yeah
best la jugak kot klu pindah environment.Jenna cakap hot guys banyak ahahah.Haziq cakap plk bnyk guys pink lips pki lipstick.muahahaha sokaylah whatever it is asalkan bahagia.I only do what I wanna do.That's my prinsip yg tak akan diubah.Jakarta,hmm I haven't been there yet.Bali pernah lah.Bali is awesome,seriously.the environment tersangatlah cool and shopping sudah pastilah.jalan kat mana2 je beli benda.oh yeahh manicure,pedicure time,klu pg lagi i nak pg buat spa.ahhh being pampered.hehehe always.wajib okayyy?okay smlm gayut dengan Shakel,chatting with Farah Aiman.They're soo nice.thank youuu very much.they gave me good advices.buat i rasa lbh tenang and kuat.yeahhh :D heheh.yg plg lawak Farah ckp guys yg bangang2 tu mcm ikan sardine jea.hahahha kita nak ikan salmon?betul tak farah?hahaha.Shakel pulak ckp tendang kang kaki mamat keding tu sampai patah.hahahha i rasa lawak sangat.bila fikir balik mmg tak worth it pun nak kisah pasal A(you know who) and S(si keding) tu.they're just immature kids yg spendel pun mak belikan lagi.HAHAHAH :P nah,no wonder tak reti nak jaga attitude and appreciate apa yg mereka dapat.hahaha tak ye?:D so evil me.hahah well at least i tak bodoh dlm membuat keputusan mcm dorg sejahat-jahat nina pun.hahah okayyyy next is,Haziq.I suggested him,if dapat good result try cadet pilot Air ASia.well it's up to him to make the right decision.klu nak berada dibawah tempurung je mmg gelap jela hidup kan?no colours.yup bg i lah.Somehow I think my perception is much diffrent from others.I just feel that I'd prefer to live alone cz mcm tak ada chemistry with others.sdh kan?agak lah.tapi itulah.i selesa buat apa yg i nak happy with my own world,fantasy,yup
ohh the most sad thing happen is when,ur loved ones.tak kisahlah mom,dad,sis,bro ke kucing ke apa kan don't agree with ur opinion yg u dah bertungkus-lumus thought hurts.really.i tell u.I just don't like it.
memang lah semua org berbeza ,i know that.but,idk's really hard to explain.maybe sbb I just love them so much?


Monday, November 8, 2010




1.Soo,today my sister bought a box of big apple and I ate a lot.again,again and again.

2.Haziq,thanks a lot for making my day awesome hihi <3

3.Azmal,Adiba,Jenna all of a sudden.I miss talking to you guys.:')

4.oh guys should try go to game site).you made my day viwawa :D

5.andd tomorrow,oh mann have to wake up early and go to school.urgh :/.cepat2 la cuti I wanna go to Taipei.winterrrrr yeayhhh,shopping yeayyhhhhhhhh hehe

6.oh and 'eat pray love' is such an awesome movie.Go and watch it!

okayy,nothin' much to share.TV time.

adios amigos <3

Sunday, November 7, 2010

delicious indeed.EVERYBODY LOVES IT! :)

omg I love pandan cake :D I keep eating this cake y'know?well,the bakery shop is quite near to my house hehehe .I'm gonna be FAT! NOOOO.can't be,yeah nina.
okay look at this image,i feel like eating it.I feel hungry too ! :O

Yummy,enjoy imagine it yo!


Friday, November 5, 2010

Lovely Day :)

This evening I went out for a jog, after a tidious day of helping my mom translating a bloody korean script.I met my old friends and a new friend.Mahathir,and Zakuan and the new friend Fit.They are nice and could be my good friends too.Well,I can meet them everyday anytime because they are my neighbours.
I discovered a new ambition, which is an ambassador.Hence,after SPM i have to take the course that related to this field.It would be international law or mass communication.:)
I chose this ambition because I love to travel and meet new people.So,I hope for the best for me to get good results for my SPM next year.I aim for the trial examination to get straight As.So,from now on I have to start study hard and smart and think of my future.I know I could have a bright future if I study and pray to Allah swt for the best.
Next is about my passion.I love cats so much.There's a quote for myself about cats."A day without cats is a day without sunshine' :D hehehe well,I've grown up with cats.But now,I have two relatives which is my sister's childrens that are still young-2years old and 4 month.My mother said cats are not good for babies.bacteria,virus ewww.:S
I can imagine dat.ergghh -__-'.So yeahhhh,have to wait until they are already big enough.
And now,I have a feeling that I have to start a new chapter of my life :)
which is;
1.I want to have a right meals :-to its propotion
2.exercise regurlarly :-everyday
3.take seriously about studies
4.never skip the prayer:- mostly Isya' a lot of good books
6.stop talking nonsense:-only when needed
7.choose right people to friends with
8. always clean up my closet
9.never call people when get bored:-bill naik baru tau
10.never fall in love with guys that are not matured that doesn't know how to appreciate me:- you you and you pfft guys are all the same so far that I know.

So yeahh.I think I have to help my mom to finish up the script.-___-boring script.Have to finish it up as soon as possible.The sooner the better, right?
Goodbye people who read my post.Thanks a lot for spending your time read my post hehehe Love you,muah

Nina is loving you